Fresh white pages

Hello dear reader, it’s been awhile. I daresay we can all agree 2020 was a doozy.

For centuries humans have been plagued by disease, and perhaps we were all a little naive to take it for granted. I certainly did.

Like many, my life looks vastly different than it did a year ago. I’ve had to start relearning what it is I truly love, and what I wanted my life to look like in this brave new world. While it’s been filled with devastating loss, on good days it has felt like a blank page on which to start fresh. And ironically, that is where I’ve found much of my inspiration and hope lately.

When I did finally feel like being creative again, it was in all the mediums that I had no experience in – watercolors, nature sketches, ART. Turns out I really wanted to be able to creatively explore, and for some strange reason, I didn’t care if I was any good at it or not (this is a big deal as your proverbial perfectionist). I always felt like this sort of creating was off limits to me. I grew up watching my dad as an artist and was mesmerized when he would create, but it felt sacred. That’s what Dad did, I was the little girl with the big words. Writing was safe and natural, so that’s what I did and left the “real” art to the artists.

Enter a pandemic and an unused, languishing set of watercolor pencils plus a new journal…

It’s been so pure and fun and feels so good. For once I wasn’t staring at a blank page with angst. I was just playing and discovering, and it was a refreshing change from the pressure that crept into my writing. And guess what? The words started feeling better, too. Dabbling outside my comfort zone helped me realize that writing was no different. We weigh ourselves down in so much self doubt and great expectations. I’ve found there’s a certain thoughtfulness in imperfection, a realness and undeniable “you-ness.” Those little, imperfect things like lopsided homemade cakes and playful doodles are what have always made me love people and this astonishingly beautiful planet we live on – I had begun to take everything far too seriously.

Creators that have inspired me lately…

Special shout out to all these lovely ladies who inspired me with their infectious authenticity and commitment to creating. May they inspire you as much as they did me!

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