I Sold My Soul to Game of Thrones

It took me 6 months. I trooped through. I conquered. I have read every single page of those five daunting books and have officially been pulled into the cruel grasp of George R.R. Martin. Let me just say, it's been a battle-- pardon the puns. Granted, it took me 19 years (the first book was…

If only I could read…

I recently filled in my calendar for the whole semester. Let's just say my life is going to be a blur of writing, reading, writing, reading, and writing even more. I can already tell that I will be writing more than I ever have in my entire undergrad experience. If I could give any advice…

The Secret Keeper Review

The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton, NY Times Bestseller Genre: Mystery, Historical Fiction Pages: 496 With the onset of cold weather, it is only natural that I find myself actually getting to finish more books in what seems like a never-ending, ever-growing pile of to-reads. I've been waiting and waiting for an opportunity to read…

The Debut of “The Signature of All Things”

As I foretold in my last post, I am going to give some brief thoughts on my most recent read (which I did devour in 3 days...whoops!), The Signature of All Things by the lovely Elizabeth Gilbert. But, to start off I should say that I really don't enjoy giving reviews- I only do so…

Summer Reads and Reviews

Well, it is officially that time of year again. Fall is just around the corner, and while I'm looking forward to the cooler weather, I will miss the freedom of summer and all the incredible memories I got to share with my loved ones. I hope everyone else had a memorable summer too. Inevitably, the…

An Unconventional Review- “The Alchemist”

Book: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Length: Short: 167 pages Similar reads *in my opinion*: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz The Walking Drum by Louis L'Amour (not a western story) One thing I've always loved about books is the way the perfect story always falls into my lap when I need it the…

Long lost friends

Have you ever read a story and felt like you knew an intimate part of the author? In sharing their ideas and characters with us, authors build a bond of unspoken friendship. Just think about it, an author can spend years to a lifetime creating a character(s) whom readers will come to know more deeply…