Why I Jumped Ship on Traditional Magazines

Slowly crawling out of their caves to find print is in fact not dead, magazine media companies find that the world has changed and only the innovative will survive (more so than ever before). You would think brands like Vogue, Esquire, and People would have the legacy to ride into the future, but I can…

Writing Prompts, Not Quite So Elementary

I can remember sitting with my peers in our little desks as we scribbled away in our journals, responding to the teacher's writing prompt of the day. Compared to learning the multiplication table, journal writing was one of the better parts of the school day. Our thoughts were our own, and teachers couldn't really put…

Finding a Little Place

Lately my writing has been taken over by job applications, personal statements, and cover letters. I've been aching to find a moment for myself and write freely. I've undergone two job interviews now, applications to professional programs, and a multitude of the impersonal monotony that is online applications. Planning for the future and trying to…