Tea, Cake, and a Good Book

Recently, I read "The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield. The best description I can give is that it is a book for book lovers. Perhaps not the most descriptive, but the simplest surmise possible. There is no doubt Setterfield is a book lover, and her main character is a reclusive reader who lives and works…

A Very Lazy Productive Day

Today is one of those days that I got to sleep in thanks to poor weather. Apparently, Texans are horrible at handling slippery streets, but I am not complaining since my classes were cancelled and I could cuddle up all morning. I even tried making M a happy face in his latte today... it turned…

Raw Vegan Pecan Pie for Everyone

More and more people are going down different paths of healthy living these days, and even people like me (who can't seem to give up cheese) are finding themselves eating healthier. Well, I'm making strides. I've eaten a few vegan/vegetarian recipes that furthered my concept of boring health food. Essentially I've had a lot of…

It’s that time…. Pumpkin is here

I have to be honest-- I've never really liked pumpkin... or pumpkin spice anything. I love carving pumpkins and the smell of pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin pies, but the taste has never been all that appealing to me. So, when I found out M's favorite pie was pumpkin pie, I knew I would have…

Tried and True Pinterest Cooking/Baking Gems

I remember last year, sitting on the couch with M while trying to rack our brains about what we were going to eat for dinner. Such a mountainous question. One that has puzzled many a hungry person for ages. Or, perhaps, it is just a family thing. We NEVER can decide on where to eat…