I Sold My Soul to Game of Thrones

It took me 6 months. I trooped through. I conquered. I have read every single page of those five daunting books and have officially been pulled into the cruel grasp of George R.R. Martin. Let me just say, it's been a battle-- pardon the puns. Granted, it took me 19 years (the first book was…

Making Life a Weekend

The end of the week is here! And while I am definitely a TGIF gal these days, I also know it's a sticky rut to get out of. So, here are the things that inspire me all days of the week and remind me that happiness isn't just confined to the weekend.  "Celebrate today for…

A Very Lazy Productive Day

Today is one of those days that I got to sleep in thanks to poor weather. Apparently, Texans are horrible at handling slippery streets, but I am not complaining since my classes were cancelled and I could cuddle up all morning. I even tried making M a happy face in his latte today... it turned…

Bath Lover Finds Lush

Perhaps one of my favorite things to do on this blog is to share my favorite things. In the past, this has consisted mostly of books sprinkled with a few recipes here and there. But, for you bath-takers/lovers/relaxers, I couldn't help but share my excitement with this brand. In 2011 I made my infamous (to…

A New Coffee Discovery

I've been making coffee since the age of nine or so and consider it a therapeutic thing. Is that weird? Especially considering I didn't drink coffee until I got hooked on Starbucks in high school, and actually started drinking coffee coffee in college (go figure).** When M and I lived in a dorm, I picked…

How to be a Workout Bro (or not)

I don't know what it is, but after high school, "working out" has become a chore. I used to love running and being outdoors- riding bikes and hiking. I played tennis competitively from the age of 10 through high school. I even had a spurt with yoga in high school and I loved it too…

NaNoWriMo 2013 Challenge Accepted!

Image found via Pinterest For those of you who don't know, an awesome thing has been happening in the blogisphere for the past few years called NaNoWriMo -AKA National Novel Writing Month. Essentially, writers of all kinds can accept the challenge to write a 50,000 word novel by the end of November. And this year,…

The truth about DIY

As you may or may not know, I am OBSESSED with Pinterest. And, I'm not alone in this. Millions of other people use this site and can attest to the addictive nature of wanting to pin away countless hours. Luckily, I don't have a job yet, but I can say that I've procrastinated on many…

Steinbeck on Love

While doing research for one of my posts, I came across a letter that John Steinbeck wrote to his son about falling in love, and love advice in general. It is funny how people are constantly searching for the "right" advice on things such as this, and I couldn't help but feel that Steinbeck put…